Tuesday, March 29, 2011

We're Bringing You Home

Hip-Hop and R&B is apart of all of the ladies from SLE culture. However, we have a few associates who are D.C. natives. Go-Go music is an additional part of their culture. So, instead of the traditional party, our next event will be a Go-Go featuring one of the hottest bands out......TCB!

We are excited to bring them to Raleigh, NC for all of the people from D.C that are missing their home. This will bring them a touch home and fun at the same time.  

It is something new and exciting and we cannot wait for the expected turn out!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Landing the Deal

So Lady Entertainment landed a deal with one of the top clubs in Raleigh, NC. We will officially present First Fridays at the Velvet Room.

On the first Friday of every month we will host a party. Our theme will be ladies night. We are thrilled and honored to be offered an opportunity to have our own night at a night club one night out of each month.

Please come out and show your love and support every first Friday of the month at the Velvet Room

What Don't Kill You Only Makes You Stronger!

Our first party really put us to the test. They saying, “seeing is believing” could not be said any better.

One thing that we learned was details. You must pay attention to details, because when the day of the event arrives a minor missed detail could make or break the event.
For an example, our DJ was oblivious to the fact that he should have brought his sound system. So, he had to leave the party to go get more speakers. Luckily, the party had not started and no one had arrived. This particular part was nail biting.

Another thing that we learned first hand was……LOCATION is everything! We thought that being downtown Raleigh where the partygoers usually are on a Friday night would be a guaranteed success. We were wrong! Although we were downtown the building seemed a bit hidden, so people had a hard time finding the party. It is pretty hard to compete with the nightlife around you if your event is not that visible.

And the most important lesson that we learned was PROMOTE, PROMOTE, PROMOTE!  Promotion is everything. We passed out over 1,500 flyers, but that was not enough. Although, we did some, we needed to promote more through social media, and the type of crowd that we were looking for need radio time.

We learned that no matter the turn out you have to take lemons and make lemonade. The 300 people that we expected did not come, but we made the best out of the crowd that we did have.

Customer service goes a long way. We entertained our guest and made sure that they would return to any future event that we had.  Also, we used the party for networking opportunities. We landed potential clients and gained a positive reputation through out the community.

Our first event enlightened our entire team on the business and we are all excited about our future endeavors. 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Our First Event

Some people may think that planning an event is simple as 123 and it cannot be that hard.

The journey that So Lady Entertainment has gone through for our first event has given us a real taste of what it takes to be successful event planners. We have learned that ALMOST nothing we do will be a peice of pie.

Our event planners went through various obsticales before they could find the perfect venue. There were rude people that the made them disintrested in wanting to do business with them. They experienced businesses forgetting about the appointments that they made with them. So, finding the perfect venue took weeks. However, they did it, and once we established our venue (Thaiphoon Bistro) one of the heaviest loads was taken off.

Our advertising and promotions team went through chaos as well. Promised due dates for the flyers were not honored. In fact, they began to be so late, that promotions were forced to find a new company to do the flyers. That company honored the date that it would be finished, but they did not get them printed until 5 days after. However, promotions made it through the major set back for the flyers, and got them distributed to the public immediately.

Although, So Lady Entertainment has faced many obsticales with planning our first event, we have completed all the task two weeks early, and now working on what is next.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

"Go DJ...Yea Dat's my DJ"

When planning a party your DJ is critical. Without a GREAT DJ, your party may or may not be successful.

With that said, So Lady Entertainment knows that their first and future events has to have a great DJ. The task of finding a qualified DJ is not an easy job. But as the old saying goes "hard work pays off."

So Lady Entertainment ALL BLACK AFFAIR will feature DJ DY-Nasty, one of Raleigh's elite DJ's! Come out and support the movement January 28th, 10:00p.m.-2:00a.m. at Thaiphoon Bistro.

So Lady Entertainment

So Lady Entertainment is a group of young beautiful woman who will throw top-notch parties in various cities across North Carolina.

When you attend a So Lady Entertainment event expect a classy environment, come dressed to impress, and ready to have fun.

Anything that So Lady Entertainment put their name on will be a guaranteed success.

If you want to see where these ladies are taking their movement, attend their first event. It's an ALL BLACK AFFAIR on Friday, January 28th, 10-2, at Thaiphoon Bistro, 301 Glenwood Avenue Raleigh, NC.